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Pastoral Care

We are a Community that Cares for One Another!

There is a natural bond of affection that runs deeply throughout this parish, and members of St. Peter’s reach out to one another with the care and support that people need in times of crisis, illness or grief. We care for one another, not just because this is how Christian community is supposed to function, but because we do, in fact, care for one another.

Our clergy and lay ministers subscribe to St. Paul’s exhortation to “Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.” Because we recognize that pastoral care is the loving response of the Body of Christ in all types of circumstances–some joyful and some sad.

Our clergy attempt to see every member who is in the hospital, but what really sets St. Peter’s apart is the way in which so many ministers within our congregation are prepared and organized to respond in times of need.

As Christians we are called to care for one another. Pastoral care at St. Peter’s involves clergy, trained lay ministers, and lay volunteers who are there to help in times of grief, trouble and illness. We minister to families of newborns, the sick, homebound, and persons who are experiencing a death in their family. St. Peter’s prides itself on the outpouring of support and love given to those in happy occasions as well as their darkest hours.

Make a Prayer Request
  • Lay Eucharistic Visitors

    We’re a team! A team of faithful women and men of all ages bring the Sacrament and service of Holy Communion to those who are unable to attend worship at the church on Sunday mornings. The priest sends forth members of the Lay Eucharistic Visitors into the homes and nursing facilities of parishioners: sharing the Scripture lessons, the Sacramental gifts, and the personal greetings of the congregation.  When you can’t come to church, the church can come to you!

  • Pastoral Care Ministry

    The purpose of this committee is to demonstrate caring for our parishioners in their time of need. We provide meals, phone calls, cards or transportation depending on the situation. Each contact that we make provides an opportunity to demonstrate the oneness within the Body of Christ and in the process changes lives. If you have a need or wish to volunteer, please contact the church office.

  • Stephen Ministry

    Stephen Ministry is intended for persons who might benefit from a spiritual friend who can meet regularly with them over time and serve as a trusted confidant and companion on their journey. These Stephen Ministers respond to requests from parishioners who may be going through a difficult time or a lengthy recovery or convalescence. Their role is not to dispense advice, but to simply serve as a capable, caring, confidential listener and companion. If you would like to be paired with a Stephen Minister, please contact one of the clergy.

  • We Celebrate Births

    The birth or adoption of a new child is a joyful occasion. This mean praying for our expectant mothers and fathers as soon as we learn of pregnancies and adoption processes. As soon as practically possible, we offer public thanksgivings and blessings for these children and families during the course of our regular worship. Finally, we work with families who would like their children to receive the Sacrament of Holy Baptism to help them prepare for that next special day when their child is fully initiated into the household of God as the newest member(s) of the Body of Christ, the Church.

  • Bereavement Group

    The Bereavement Team provides receptions after funeral services held at St. Peter’s. Our volunteers cover everything – set-up, food, beverages, flowers, and people to serve. This ministry alleviates some of the burden for grieving families, so that rather than planning a reception themselves, they can attend as guests.

  • Caring Card Ministry

    The Caring Card Ministry sends messages of spiritual hope to parishioners who have asked for prayer. We remind them that they continue to be in our thoughts.

  • Casserole Committee

    Like many congregations, we say, "I love you" with food! As St. Peter's has grown, so has this ministry of providing food to individuals and families who are encountering an illness or other hardship that makes food preparation just one more worry.

  • We Celebrate Marriages

    Save your money, because you don't need to hire a wedding director if you plan to be married at St. Peter's. Faithful volunteers assist the priest and the bride and groom with preparing for, and managing, the ceremonial aspects of the wedding day. Regardless of whether your wedding is a small, intimate gathering or a large celebration that fills every pew; we have all the expertise and experience you need to insure that your special day is just that. And, more importantly, you can focus on the vows and promises that are the most important part of that day and let go of the distractions and anxieties that are not.

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